Modified Tryout Information - Winter 19-20
Orchard Park Middle School Modified Tryout Information – Winter 2019 -2020 * Twitter/Instagram @ ophscheer * BAND : @ opmodcheer Our mis sion is to promote school spirit for all Orchard Park athletes as well as perform competitively. Please feel free to always contact us with any questions or concerns throughout the tryout process. COACHING STAFF Mary Kate McLaughlin , Modified Coach - 4 th year Modified Coach, 5 year Program Assistant Coach , 2011 OPHS Graduate Jill Manka , Varsity Coach -1 1 th y ear Varsity Head C oach at OPHS, 2004 OPHS Graduate Lauren Bonilla, Junior Varsity Coach -8 th year JV Head C oach, 3 year Varsity Assistant C oach, 2004 OPHS Graduate Jenelle Mueller, Junior Varsity Assistant Coach /Program Assistant -1 st year JV Coach, 2 nd year program assistant, 2014 OPHS Gr a d uate B